READ: 3 Digital Resources recommend for Pre- Kindergarten and Kindergarten (EDUC 730 ASSIGNMENT)

Educational technology is described as media developed for communicating, designing, using, and evaluating for teaching and educational processes (Hughes & Roblyer, 2019).  According to Schrum & Summerfield (2018), integrating technology is a part of the Educate to Innovate partnership spearheaded by the U.S. to prepare students and future leaders for competing globally. Therefore, this blog post seeks to demonstrate the significance of technology beginning as early as preschool, pre-kindergarten, and kindergarten. With that in mind, when choosing resources, teachers and caregivers should consider implementing digital games and resources that align with computational thinking, transformation, essential skills for problem solving, and thinking logically (Schrum & Sumerfield, 2018).    That said, intentional and competent teachers choose technological devices and resources based on the abilities of students, their targeted learning standards, and objectives.                                                               

Considering all things, NAEYC performance standards 5 states, “Knowledge, Application, and Integration of Academic Content in the Early Childhood Curriculum Early childhood educators have knowledge of the content of the academic disciplines (e.g., language and literacy, the arts, mathematics, social studies, science, technology and engineering, physical education) and of the pedagogical methods for teaching each discipline” (NAEYC, 2019). Nonetheless, the best digital games are those that extend and support the foundation of learning by the educator, parent and or caregiver.  Furthermore, educators should comply with and create curriculum lessons utilizing technology and pedagogical methods for best practices.

            Moreover, a study was conducted that indicated that in the United States of America, teachers believed that technology was important at an early age and because schools were utilizing digital platforms for engaging and teaching the felt that preschool children should learn how to use technology as well for success later in school (Slutsky et al., 2019). At the same time, teachers explained and demonstrated that technology supports children with problem solving, concentration, curiosity as well as learning letters, numbers, and vocabulary.

Furthermore, with many approaches to learning there are benefits as well as challenges associated with technology. Some benefits of technology games are that they are typically engaging which can be viewed as motivation for students to learn and infused with pedagogy and curriculum-based content (Hughes & Roblyer, 2019).  That said, technology provides access to students from all over the globe and this is evident in distant learning.  At the same time, digital visual, resources and assistive technological devices provide support in the classroom for children with special needs as well as English language Learners.

As mentioned, there are also disadvantages concerning technology. Some challenges consist of being careful not to implement games or resources that may offend someone’s culture, lack of special hardware and computing system requirements, as well as malicious activity (Hughes & Roblyer, 2019). Consequently, students should be monitored consistently to ensure they are making best and safest choices accessing internet and digital devices.                                                                                                 

             The three resources that were chosen and recommended for use are Kahoot, Starfall, and ABCya. Each digital resource is compatible with Smart Boards, iPads, laptops, Smart Phones, and Androids. Connectivity for each digital tool requires internet access, the cost is free, and the resources can be used for the classroom and or distant learning.  However, it is recommended that during distant learning teachers should consider assigning the tools from the Google Classroom in order to hold parents and students accountable.

           Considering all things, Kahoot is an educational resource platform that provides teachers and caregivers access to interactive digital games that supports most curriculums and learning standards while offering space for teachers to create individual and flexible games for their specific grade levels and content. At the same time, Kahoot presents a variety of subject based information in the form of multiple-choice questions and true or false from a field of 1- 4 choices (Kahoot!, 2019). Starfall offers untimed, multisensory interactive games, movies, books, and music to help children learn reading, phonics, and math skills (Starfall: Learn to Read with Phonics, Learn Mathematics, 2019). Lastly, ABCya offers hundreds of educational games and apps for kids in grades PreK to sixth grade by subject, theme, genre, or skill level, and access printable (ABCya, 2019). Overall, each resource should not be a substitute for a teacher, each learning tool should be demonstrated to extend learning and expectations should be known.

In closing, teachers and or caregivers should equip each student for success and that includes opportunities with infused technology.  According to Saikkonen & Kaarakainen (2021), digital information skills are required for success in the information society. Based on data and research on the acquired 21st Century digital information skills have ranked significantly as necessary for future skills future learning and competency (Saikkonen & Kaarakainen, 2021). Considering, Philippians 4:9 encourages the educator to remember the models and demonstrations that were evident in the life of Jesus Christ and the disciples, and it reads “those things, which ye have both learned and receive, and heard, and seen in me do: and the God of peace shall be with you” (The Holy Bible, King James Version, 1987, Proverbs 22:6). Moreover, with the expansion of digital technologies into areas of social, economic, and personal life, teachers and caregivers are models for teaching the next generations about digital information for their success globally (Saikkonen & Kaarakainen, 2021).


ABCya. (2019). ABCya! • Educational Computer Games and Apps for Kids.

‌Hughes, J. E., & Roblyer, M. D. (2019). Integrating educational technology into teaching :

       transforming learning across disciplines (8th ed.). Pearson 

Holy Bible, King James Bible. (1987). International Bible Society

Kahoot! (2019, March 8). Kahoot! | Learning Games | Make Learning Awesome! Kahoot! 

Saikkonen, L., & Kaarakainen, M.-T. (2021). Multivariate analysis of teachers’ digital information 

         skills - The importance of available resources. Computers & Education, 104206. 

Schrum, L., & Sumerfield, S. (2018). Learning supercharged: Digital age strategies and insights from 

        the edtech frontier. Ingram Publisher Services. ISBN: 9781564846860.

Slutsky, R., Kragh-Müller, G., Rentzou, K., Tuul, M., Gol Guven, M., Foerch, D., & Paz-Albo, J. 

        (2019). A cross-cultural study on technology use in preschool classrooms: early childhood 

         teacher’s  preferences, time-use, impact and association with children’s play. Early Child 

        Development and Care191(5), 1–13.

Starfall: Learn to Read with Phonics, Learn Mathematics. (2019).



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3 Digital Resources Recommended for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten (EDUC 730)

    Purpose Driven & Intentional: Technology should support your learning & engagement flow...  ABCya:  ABCya! • Learning Games and ...